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The Way Gael Hears It!

I just finished reading Gael Hannan’s new book, The Way I Hear It, and I LOVED it!  I can recommend it highly to anyone with a hearing loss, as well as their family and friends, and professionals who work with the hard-of-hearing.


I met Gael at an HLAA conference a few years ago and enjoyed her very entertaining and informative presentation.  I have been following her blog at Hearing Health Matters.  If you are not familiar with Gael, you can read about her and subscribe to Hearing Health Matters (HHTM)  here.  Gael is a very talented presenter and writer.  She uses humor to discuss some very sensitive topics, while at the same time sharing insights and advice about difficult hearing loss issues.

I found this book easy to read and well organized with dialogues, tables, and lists such as “Principles of Hearing Loss Success,” “How to Stop Bluffing and Get Back into the Game,” and “10 Good Reasons to Wear Hearing Aids.” Gael shares personal stories, original poems, a few of the articles from her blog, and provides a great deal of helpful information for anyone affected by hearing loss.  Some of the topics covered are communication strategies, hearing technology, traveling with a hearing loss, and working with your audiologist.

Gael had me laughing out-loud at many of her stories, usually because I could relate so well to her experiences.  Her introduction starts with “Living well with hearing loss is achievable–that’s the exciting news” and reading this book will help you achieve that goal.  Click here to purchase Gael’s book for $16.20 from my website.
