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Completely Accessible


Excellent article in the Winter 2013 issue of Hearing Health Foundation magazine, “Completely Accessible.”  In the wake Hurricane Sandy, more attention is being focused on how those with hearing loss stay connected and safe in their homes.  The article mentions many of the devices Hear Gear carries such as home security systems, home hearing loops, and vibrating alarm clocks.  It also refers to a new device called the Z-BAND, a vibrating wristband alarm programmable through an app on Android smartphones. I couldn’t find out very much about the Z-Band, except that it sells for 39 British pounds!  Maybe not on the US market yet.  Captioned telephones are also mentioned and you can get this CaptionCall telephone for FREE with the Hear Gear promo code of HS2211.

Get Hearing Help Early!

An article in the Winter 2013 issue of UCLA Health Systems Vital Signs Newsletter, “Technology Improves Outlook for Patients with Hearing Loss” stresses the importance of seeking help early for hearing loss.  Hearing involves more than the ears.  The brain is involved in the hearing process and waiting to get help for hearing loss can cause the brain to “forget” how to listen.

Hearing Restored After Noise Damage

Researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Harvard Medical School have demonstrated for the first time that hair cells can be regenerated in an adult mammalian ear by using a drug to stimulate resident cells to become new hair cells, resulting in partial recovery of hearing in mouse ears damaged by noise trauma.


hair cells in cochlea

In a normal cochlea, three inner rows of hair cells and one outer row can be seen. Image courtesy Albert Edge/Mass. Eye and Ear